American University Catalog 2024-2025
KSB-212 Managing People in Organizations (3) This interdisciplinary course incorporates study of demographic groups in the workplace and their unique experiences by describing the patterns of thought or practices of historically marginalized peoples. Students focus on workforce development, including the practices needed to foster inclusion and exploit human differences in the workforce given organizational contextual and environmental factors. The course also examines how legacies or experiences of oppression and responses to them shape contemporary realities or conditions by exploring how bias occurs in human perception and attributions and workforce decisions and by examining how structural inequalities shape social categories of human difference and how these constructions influence inequalities. Finally, the course evaluates and reflects on the values, policies, and practices needed to develop a more equitable society. AU Core Integrative Requirement: Diversity and Equity. Grading: A-F only. Prerequisite: KSB-111 , KSB-112 , and KSB-113 with grades of C or better. Prerequisite/Concurrent: KSB-121 , KSB-122 , and KSB-123 . Restriction: Registration not allowed in both KSB-212 and MGMT-353 . Note: Students may not receive credit toward a degree for both KSB-212 and MGMT-353 .