SIS offers dual Master’s degree programs with several renowned universities abroad. These programs enable graduate students to earn two Master’s degrees from two universities. Students participating in the dual degree programs gain the knowledge, skills, and practical experience to excel in careers in both countries.
Ritsumeikan University, Japan The Graduate School of International Relations at Ritsumeikan University has partnered with SIS to offer an innovative dual Master’s degree program for students who want to take an interdisciplinary and multicultural approach to their research and education. The program, established over twenty years ago, is the first of its kind between a Japanese university and an American university. Students gain cross-cultural competency while earning two Master’s degrees in international relations.
Korea University, Korea The Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) at Korea University (KU) offers one of the leading international relations programs in Korea and Asia. Its curriculum emphasizes interdisciplinary studies as part of the school’s commitment to multicultural awareness and promoting international interaction. GSIS and SIS have partnered to offer a dual Master’s degree program through which students can take advantage of the numerous opportunities offered at both schools, study with top experts in the field, and gain a new perspective on international relations from the Korean Peninsula.
University for Peace, Costa Rica SIS and the University for Peace, Costa Rica, jointly offer a program in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development, where students study at and receive degrees from both American University and the United Nations-affiliated University for Peace. It is the first graduate degree program in which students can learn about environmental and development policies from the perspectives of scholars, practitioners and residents of the Global South and Global North. The two-year program equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary for managing eco-development issues in a global context and provides them with opportunities to establish ties that bridge the North-South divide.